Mapping 6 or more address lines

  1. First create the 5 address fields. Link them to the system fields and leave them unassigned.

  2. Create additional name fields ("ADDITIONAL_NAME 1", "ADDITIONAL NAME2") for a 6-7 line address

  3. Create a mapping group. Conditionalize it for output page 1

  4. Create 7 temporary variables in the mapping group to retrieve the address lines

  5. Create an RTF outside the mapping group with the address lines (this will mimic the Sys_FullAddress field). Put the "ADDITIONAL NAME1" and "ADDITIONAL NAME2>" fields on the same line as Sys_Name system field.

  6. In the mapping group: if the 6th and 7th address variables are blank, assign the variables like normal to their respective fields

  7. In the mapping group: if the 6th address variable is not blank and the 7th address variable is blank:

    • assign variable 1 to the name field
    • assign variable 2 to the "ADDITIONAL NAME1" field (and add a line break to the beginning)
    • assign variable 3 to address 1 field
    • assign variable 4 to address 2 field
    • assign variable 5 to address 3 field
    • assign variable 6 to address 4 field
  8. In the mapping group: if the 6th address variable is not blank and the 7th address variable is not blank:

    1. assign variable 1 to the name field
    2. assign variable 2 to the "ADDITIONAL NAME1" field (and add a line break to the beginning)
    3. assign variable 3 to the "ADDITIONAL NAME2" field (and add a line break to the beginning)
    4. assign variable 4 to address 1 field
    5. assign variable 5 to address 2 field
    6. assign variable 6 to address 3 field
    7. assign variable 7 to address 4 field


Sample map + data:


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