uSetupPregen Report Configuration
We have added the ability to configure the pregen report to uSetup. If you are using RPPregen.exe to generate PDFs, the pregen report was a static configuration or had to be manually entered into the database.
You can now configure it using uSetup.
There are 3 places it can be configured, globally, by customer or by submission type. The generation of the report will always go from lowest level to highest. It will look at the submission type first for the configuration. If one has not been set up, it will look at the customer. If one has not been set up, it will look at the global. The lowest active level is always used.
To set up the configuration, here are the steps. The process works the same at the global, customer and submission type.
Global Configuration
Main Manu->Configure->Pregen Report Global Configuration
Customer Configuration
Customer->Pregen Report Config
Submission Type Configuration
Customer->Submission Types->Basic Settings->Pregen Report Config
Pregen Report Configuration
Report Header
- Report Name - Enter a name for the report.
- Active - Check to make it active.
- Report Query - Enter the report query. This will provide the fields for the report. The query MUST contain submid = #submid#. #submid# will be replaced by the submission id. You should test the query by clicking on the Check Query button. This will verify if the query is ok.
- Add To Reports - Check this if you would like the presort report to be available in uControl or uDashboard for viewing or printing.
- Header – Enter any report header information. This will be the first line/lines of the report.
- Footer – Enter any report footer information. This will be the last line/lines of the report.
- File Name Format – Enter the format for naming the report. It must contain %d or %.Xd where X is the number of zeros to pad. Example – mysubmission_%d.txt would namt the report mysubmission_123.txt for submission id 123.
- Output Directory – Choose Report or PDF.
- Save your settings.
The query will be checked when you save the query. If it is invalid, you will receive an error message.
If you are setting up the Global, Customer or Submission Type for the first time, you can load a configuration from a saved one. The header and details will be loaded.
Load from Global – this will load the global settings.
Load from Customer – This will load from a customer. You will need to select the customer to load from.
Select a customer and click OK.
Load from Sub Type – This will load from a submission type. You will need to select the customer and submission type.
Select a customer and subtype and click OK.
After setting up you configuration, it will look something like this.
To delete a configuration, click Delete.
Once you have entered the header and the query has been verified, you can enter the details. The details will allow you to set up what fields you want in the report.
Report Details
To add fields to the report, click on the Load Fields from Query button. This will load a list of all fields returned by the query into the list box on the left.
Check the fields you want to include on the report. You can click Check All to select all fields.
Once you have selected the fields you want, click Add Selected Fields.
All selected fields will then be available to the report. You can begin modifying specific details, formatting, etc. to the individual fields.
- Field Prefix – Enter any prefix that will be placed before the field value. If you want to put quotes around the data, put a “ in the field. If you would like the same prefix on all fields, click the All button.
- Field Suffix – Enter any suffix that will be placed after the field value. If you are creating a delimited file, include the delimiter. If you want to tab delimit, put in [tab]. You can update all fields with the same suffix by clicking on the All button.
- Field Order – set the order the field will appear in the report.
- Field Length – set the length of the field. If you want the full length, put in -1.
- Field Format – enter string formatting for the field. This uses Delphi string formatting commands. To see a list of these commands, click on the tip button. (See below)
- Field Trim – Select from the list if you want to trim spaces from the data. The values are blank (no trimming), Left, Right and Both.
Field Format Help
Click Next Tip to see additional information.
Here is an example of tab separated data.