Emails that can be edited in uSetup

There are 5 Emails that can be edited in uSetup under the web setup "Advanced" tab. All of them can use in-line styles (CSS)  to modify appearance.

You can also add images to them using the "Images" folder in your web directory. The emails are:

1. Registration Email. This is the email a user receives when they register as a new web user.

2. Reset Password Email. This is the email a web user is sent when they use the "Reset Password" link on the login screen of an uluro website.

3. Enrollment Email. This email is sent to the user when they enroll in e-delivery of their documents.

4. Un-Enrollment Email. This is sent to the user when they Un-Enroll from e-delivery.

5. Campaign Approval Email. This is the email sent if you are using Campaign Manager and approve a new Campaign.


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