To setup a new IMB, click the "Configure" menu.
Next select "IMB". This will open the IMB configuration window.
Multiple IMB records can be maintained. Each record will require IMB Mailer ID, Service Type ID, Barcode ID, Next Serial # to use, Max Serial # to use.
Click the "New" Button to create a new IMB record.
Click "Edit" to edit an existing record.
Click "Save" to save the record or "Cancel" to cancel the edits.
After the IMB is setup, the IMB will need to be selected to be used for each submission type. To do this select the "Sub Types" tab and double-click inside the grid.
This will bring up the Submission Type Maintenance window.
Click on the "IMB" tab and click the "Edit" button. Select the IMB from the dropdown list and click "Save".