Adding Report to Uluro
The Report to the Reports table.
The Report table contains
RepDesc – Description of the report ( less than 30)
Createby – Who added the report.
Status – Status of the report (A for Active)
FileSpec – Naming of the File. Unique name must be created for every Submission report. Change to suit. Must contain %S for Submission id. Must contain the file extension (pdf, XLS, txt, doc, etc).
Report Type – All submission level reports should be Report type S
AutoGen – AutoGen should be set to ‘Y’ so Uluro does not attempt to create the report.
ReportDLL – This should always be Null or Blank.
AutoPrint – This should always be N or Null. Auto Printing of these reports is not supported.
PrintOrder – This should always be null
PrintCopies – This should always be null
Adding Submission Report
To allow display on the Web the report must be linked to the Submission.
This is accomplished by adding the report to the SubJobRpt table.
The SubJobRPT table contains
Submid – Submission id
Jobid – Job ID for Job reports. Always null
Rptid – Link to Report table record for new report
CreateDate – Date and time the SubjobRpt record was created
ReportDate – Date and time the report was created.
CreatedFlag – Set to Y if the report is created. Set to N if report not created and X if the Report is cancelled.
Location – Location of the Report File (less than 200 characters)
MailItem_ID – Leave Null.
EmailCreated – Leave null
Printed – Leave Null
PrintedDate – Leave Null
To add the Report Record and/or the Submission Report Record
Run the script AddReportRecord.sql
This script is to be used to add custom reports to Uluro for viewing on the web or in uControl.
The required fields are:
@ReportDescription - The report description. This is used to determine which report record to use.
@UniqueShortDesc - This will be part of the file name
@ReportExtension - The file extension of the report file
To create the subjobrpt record, set the @Submid variable to a valid submission id
If a subjobrpt record is to be created, the file associated with it should exist and be placed in the submit\rpt folder.
The file name must be as described below. See variable @FileSpec.
Creating Submission Report with Post Processing
The Post Processing Service can call a program.
Batch File
Create a Batch file for the Post Processing to call. The Batch file will need to do the following
Change directory to the location of the Program that will generate the report
Call the program and pass into the program the parameters.
Have the program call the script, imputing the appropriate values.
Accept the Input Parameters.
Currently these parameters can be
$Submid – Submission id
$File – Current File name
$Ofile – Original File name
$FPATH – Current path of the file
These are passed on the Command line as individual space separated parameters. The parameter name is not passed.
Generate the report.
Put the Report into a location accessible for the web server (not accessible from the internet)
Run the script
Query Above
Automatically exit when complete.